Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Subharti Student: Anatomy Professional Exam 2011-12

                                       Subharti Medical college
                             First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
                                                  Paper - I   Anatomy
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
Q 1. Describe nucleus, course, distribution, and applied Aspect of Facial nerve?
Q 2. Draw well label Diagram only
  • Transverse section of medulla at level of motor Decussation
  •  Histology of Thyroid Gland
Q 3. Describe Briefly :-
  • Circle of Willis And its applied
  • Otic ganglion with its branches
  • Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland and its applied
  • Cubital Fossa
Q 4. Write short notes on :-
  • Subclavian Steal Syndrome
  • Fibrous Joint
  • Development of tongue and its correlation with its nerve supply 

                                       Subharti Medical college

                             First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
                                                  Paper - II   Anatomy
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
 Q 1. Describe Diaphragm with its Development and applied anatomy
 Q 2. Draw Well label Diagram only
  • Stomach Bed
  • Microanatomy of Kidney
  • Popliteal Fossa
 Q 3. Write short note on :-
  • Hemorrhoids/Piles
  • Obturator Nerve
  • Inversion And eversion movement of foot
 Q 4. Give applied anatomy of :-
  • Supports of Uterus
  • Femoral Canal
  • Broncho Pulmonary Segments
 Q 5. Enumerate the  Following
  •  Relations of ala of Sacrum
  • Tributaries of Azygous Vein
  • Structures Passing under Extensor Retinaculum of Foot

Here are the images of the question paper of  Anatomy


>>>>>>>>>> By Subharti Student Blog

Anatomy Professional Exam 2011-12

                                       Subharti Medical college
                             First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
                                                  Paper - I   Anatomy
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
Q 1. Describe nucleus, course, distribution, and applied Aspect of Facial nerve?
Q 2. Draw well label Diagram only
  • Transverse section of medulla at level of motor Decussation
  •  Histology of Thyroid Gland
Q 3. Describe Briefly :-
  • Circle of Willis And its applied
  • Otic ganglion with its branches
  • Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland and its applied
  • Cubital Fossa
Q 4. Write short notes on :-
  • Subclavian Steal Syndrome
  • Fibrous Joint
  • Development of tongue and its correlation with its nerve supply 

                                       Subharti Medical college

                             First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
                                                  Paper - II   Anatomy
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
 Q 1. Describe Diaphragm with its Development and applied anatomy
 Q 2. Draw Well label Diagram only
  • Stomach Bed
  • Microanatomy of Kidney
  • Popliteal Fossa
 Q 3. Write short note on :-
  • Hemorrhoids/Piles
  • Obturator Nerve
  • Inversion And eversion movement of foot
 Q 4. Give applied anatomy of :-
  • Supports of Uterus
  • Femoral Canal
  • Broncho Pulmonary Segments
 Q 5. Enumerate the  Following
  •  Relations of ala of Sacrum
  • Tributaries of Azygous Vein
  • Structures Passing under Extensor Retinaculum of Foot

Here are the images of the question paper of  Anatomy


Coarctation of the aorta, or aortic coarctation


Coarctation of the aorta, or aortic coarctation, is a congenital condition whereby the aorta narrows in the area where the ductus arteriosus (ligamentum arteriosum after regression) inserts. Aortic coarctation is considered when a section of the aorta is narrowed to an abnormal width. The word “coarctation” means narrowing. Coarctations are most common where the aorta — the major artery leading away from the heart — arches toward the abdomen and legs. The aortic arch may be small in babies with coarctations. Other cardiac defects may also occur when coarctation is present, typically occurring on the left side of the heart. When a patient has a coarctation, the left ventricle has to work harder. Since the aorta is narrowed, the left ventricle must generate a much higher pressure than normal in order to force enough blood through the aorta to deliver blood to the lower part of the body. If the narrowing is severe enough, the left ventricle may not be strong enough to push blood through the coarctation, thus resulting in lack of blood to the lower half of the body.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


The anastomoses around scapula is an arterial anastomosis around both surfaces of scapula bone between the branches of subclavian and axillary arteries. The arteries taking part in this anastomoses are‐
1. The suprascapular artery from thyrocervical trunk of first part of subclavian artery. The artery reaches upper border of scapula and passes above suprascapular ligament to reach supraspinous fossa, then it curves around spinoglenoid notch to reach infraspinous fossa.
2. The deep branch of transverse cervical artery‐also from thyrocervical trunk. The artery descends along medial border of scapula deep to levator scapulae and rhomboids (sometimes the artery arises from third part of subclavian artery and is known as dorsal scapular artery).
3. The subscapular artery from third part of axillary. Its circumflex scapular branch passes between the two origins of teres minor, enters infraspinous fossa. Another branch accompanies the thoraco‐dorsal nerve. Functional importance
a. The anastomoses provides sufficient amount of blood to scapular muscles and upper extremity during movements of shoulder joint from lateral border of scapula on its dorsal surface.
b. In case of blockage of main arterial trunk‐distal to the origin of thyrocervical trunk and proximal to the origin of subscapular artery, this anastomoses provides an alternative route for the supply of blood to upper extremity.

Enumerate the boundaries, contents of axilla, name the various branches of axillary artery

(i)                 THE AXILLA

 The axilla is the space between upper part of medial side of arm and lateral side of thorax. Shape is pyramidal

Boundaries The walls are anterior, posterior, medial and lateral. It has an apex and a base. a. The anterior wall is formed by Pectoralis major Clavipectoral fascia Pectoralis minor b. The posterior wall is formed by‐ Subscapularis Latissimus dorsi Teres major c. The medial wall is formed by Serratus anterior covering upper part of lateral thoracic wall. d. The lateral wall is narrow and formed by Shaft of humerus Coracobrachialis
Short head of biceps brachii
The apex is triangular and directed upwards and medially towards root of neck. It is bounded by Clavicle anteriorly First rib medially Upper border of scapula posteriorly The base of axilla is formed by axillary fascia. Contents of the axilla are:
 a. The axillary artery and its branches
 b. The axillary vein and its tributaries
 c. The three cords of brachial plexus and their branches.
 d. The axillary lymph nodes
e. Fibrofatty tissue
f. The axillary tail of Spence of mammary gland in females.

The axillary artery is the main arterial trunk of the upper extremity.∙
The axillary artery begins at the outer border of first rib as continuation of third part of subclavian artery.
 The artery passes laterally and downwards.
 a. First part extends from outer border of first rib to medial border of pectoralis minor.
 b. Second part is the short segment of artery that lies behind pectoralis minor.
 c. Third part is the longest part that extends from lateral border of pectoralis minor to lower border of teres major.
The artery gives six branches.
From first part:
one branch
 1.The superior thoracic artery is a small branch supplying first intercostal space.
From second part:
two branches
 2. The thoracoacromial artery pierces clavipectoral fascia and divides into four branches. a. The deltoid branch lies in deltopectoral groove.
b. The clavicular branch supplies sternoclavicular joint and subclavius muscle.
c. The pectoral branch for the pectoral muscles.
d. The acromion branch takes part in anastomosis over acromion process.
 3. The lateral thoracic artery runs along the lateral border of pectoralis minor
In females, it is large and supplies the mammary gland.
From third part:
three branches
 4. The anterior circumflex humeral curves around the surgical neck of humerus from front.
 5. The posterior circumflex humeral is a larger branch that accompanies axillary nerve through quadrangular space.
 6. The subscapular artery is large artery that follows lateral border of scapula.